Construction Work Environment Coordinator Bas-P/Bas-U

According to the Swedish Work Enviroment Authority a developer is always responsible to appoint a Construction Work Environment Coordinator to plan the building and facility construction work (Bas-P) as well as carrying out the work (Bas-U).

Week 37
13. sep. 2024
08:30 - 16:30
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Course duration
1 day


After having completed the course you should know about the Construction Work Environment Regulation and be able to take on the role of Responsible Construction Work Environment Coordinator.

Target group

All who are responsible for coordination, all work environment coordinators, managers, safety engineers, installation technicians, foremen, union representatives and safety officers.

Subjects covered in the course

The Swedish Work Environment Authority also state that whoever is appointed to be a Construction Work Environment Coordinator has to have the appropriate training, competence and experience which is needed to be able to carry out the such work. In this course we go through the tasks which are included in Bas-P and Bas-U.

You will learn what a work environment plan should look like and get general knowledge of different work regulations (AFS) which have to do with Construction Work Environment Responsibility.

  • The systematic work environmental work (general), assigning tasks and co-ordination between different employers.
  • What it means to work together at the same site.
  • The different stages of the construction process.
  • Construction work environment co-ordination.
  • Physical tasks in Bas-P and Bas-U.
  • Updating the work environment plan.
  • Safety operation during construction and facility work.


January 1st, 2025, new regulations for construction environment coordinators will be established. In this course, we discuss the differences between the current and the new regulations.


Basic work environment training/education.

Technical information

Course manual

No, this course does not include a course manual.

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