Vid godkänt slutprov erhåller du ett kursintyg med giltighetstid 4 år.
Vi erbjuder koppling till kompetensdatabasen ID06 utan extra kostnad. Kontakta oss för registrering efter genomförd kurs.
Efter den här kompletta kursen har du grundkompetens att utföra vägarbete, arbeta med väghållningsfordon, utföra trafikvaktsarbete samt delta vid arbetet med trafikanordningar.
Kursen är lämplig för dig som bland annat arbetar som
Kursen är uppdelar i tre delar:
TDOK 2018:0371 och TDOK 2018:0372
This course can be run on a computer, tablet and smart phone. For handheld devices we recommend a stable Wi-fi connection. Flash is not required for this course.
No, this course does not include a course manual.
We understand the critical role that proper training plays in ensuring a safe working environment and it is our commitment to continue delivering the most effective training in electrical safety.
If you have any questions regarding this product or would like to know more about our offer, our experts are here to assist you in finding the right course for yourself or your team.
Get in touchBy combining unique 3D visuals powered by gaming technology and engaging scriptwriting with the technical expertise and pedagogy of established industry professionals, Trainor delivers extraordinary e-learning like you've never seen before.
The growing focus on environmental and sustainability initiatives has helped highlight the importance and demand for high-quality digital training – Trainor's unique value proposition ensures that we are best positioned to capitalize on these supportive market drivers.
Read moreYou can complete eLearning courses from a mobile or tablet on the Trainor App. The free app can be used without an internet connection, offering flexibility in where and when learning takes place.