This training is in Swedish and conducted through our sister company Distansia's educational portal. Once your order has been processed, you will be contacted by a course administrator. The processing time for registration is estimated to be 1-3 business days.


Kostnad för kursen

29 800 kr exkl. moms

Delbetalning 15 månader

Vid anmälan faktureras 6000 kr och därefter 1587 kr i månaden vid 15 tillfällen (exkl. moms) Det utgår ingen ränta eller andra avgifter.

Distansia ny kluns

The duration of the course is individual, up to 2 years. The course duration can be extended by 1 year for a fee of 30% of the current course fee. Any extension must be requested before the end of the course and with an email request from the participant. Overriding this is any governmental decision that changes the conditions for extending the current training.