Competence Management
Competence Management
Trainor system
1000+ companies are already using Trainor Competence Management
1000+ companies are already using Trainor Competence Management
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Always correct and up to date competence
Always correct and up to date competence mobile

Always accurate and up-to-date competence

In day-to-day operations, there are practical questions related to tasks and which employees can do what. Trainor Competence Management provides you with a complete overview of the company's employees, their competencies, and completed courses. This ensures that the company always has accurate and updated competence to perform jobs according to the requirements set by authorities, insurance companies, and industry organizations.

The right person for the right job mobile

Right person for the right job

Who has completed the annual safety course, who possesses the appropriate driver's licenses, and who has the necessary competence to maintain the machinery? Trainor Competence Management makes it easy to find the right person for the right job.

The right person for the right job
Stay updated with smart notifications
Stay updated with smart notifications mobile

Stay updated with smart notifications

The system automatically sends out notifications when your employees' courses or competencies are approaching expiration. This allows you to easily plan activities and always maintain full control to ensure that employees have the correct and updated competence to perform the job at hand.

Meeting room Eva and Trond 2022 mobile

Several advantages

  • Easy to determine who can be assigned to which jobs
  • Quick access to important documentation
  • Option to create custom competence levels and courses
  • Complete overview of personnel, competence, and courses in one place
  • Control over who needs training
  • Notification alerts when employees' competence is about to expire
  • Automatic updating of competences after completing a course
  • Easy integration with the company's own HR systems (Trainor API)
Meeting room Eva and Trond 2022
All gathered in one place!
The company's employees and their competences
Who needs further training
The company's approved courses
All gathered in one place!
  • The company's employees and their competences
  • Who needs further training
  • The company's approved courses

Do you want to know more?

Contact us if you want to know more about Competence Management!