Policy for processing personal data

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The EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) applies as law in Sweden and in other countries in the EU and EEA. The GDPR is intended to protect the fundamental rights and freedoms of individuals, in particular their right to the protection and control of their personal data.

For Trainor, GDPR means high demands on our personal data processing and how we inform about it. All our processing of your personal data takes place in accordance with applicable data protection legislation. Below is a general description of how Trainor processes personal data.

Trainor Sverige AB is responsible for personal data for the company's processing of personal data in cases where the user registers as a private customer. In cases where the user's employer registers the user, Trainor Sverige AB is the personal data processor. The basis for the treatment is the consent of the individual user - or of the employer's responsible party - unless otherwise stated or regulated in a separate formal agreement.

User registration

On the website trainor.se (and in certain cases, tu-academy.se), a user can register for courses themselves by entering their name, date of birth and contact information (e-mail and mobile phone number and, if applicable, social security number).

Personal information we receive when registering for courses is not used for purposes other than administering the course and storing course progress / course certificates. Personal data is never shared with any other party without a specific request. After completing the course, the user's information is stored for five (5) years after the course's validity / competence has expired, or until the user wants to delete himself from the system. Personal data collected in connection with orders is retained for at least seven (7) years in accordance with Chapter 7. Section 2 of the Accounting Act.

Completing evaluations after completing the course is voluntary and takes place completely anonymously. If the user wants to contact us after completing the course, send an e-mail to Trainor's user support, which will create a case that is followed up with the user. The support case will not be linked to the user, but has a reference to her email address.

Customer registration

A company can register as a company on Trainor.se and then register its employees and register them for courses. In these cases, the company is responsible for personal data and Trainor acts as data processor on behalf of the company. Trainor offers and encourages you to sign a data processing agreement that regulates the use, storage and handling of personal data. The data processing agreement can be downloaded from My Company at Trainor.se.

Express consent will still be requested from both the company representative and the end user.


Trainor Sverige AB stores information about which keywords users use on our websites in Google Analytics. The purpose of storage is to make our information offer better. The search usage pattern is stored in aggregate form. Only the search term is saved and can not be linked to other information about the user, such as IP addresses.

Use of cookies

Cookies are used in the operation and presentation of data from websites. Cookies we use may contain language code information for languages selected by the user. There may be cookies with information that supports information about load balancing of the system so that all users are ensured the best possible experience. For services that require login or search, cookies can be used to ensure that the service presents data to the correct recipient.