Our own in-house e-learning production

We are probably best known for our expertise in electrical safety and work environment, but did you know that we also have the best expertise in the country within e-learning and digital solutions?

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E-learning that is appreciated

Our production team consists of people with a background in TV, film, animation, advertising, 3D and game design, who have found a common focus: To create the world's best e-learning! With an average score from our users of 4.4 out of 5 possible points, we are well on our way, but still motivated to get even better.

Game technology creates good learning

To take full advantage of the team's expertise and experience, we work with the latest in gaming technology to create the most engaging content for our customers. Boring learning is our biggest enemy and we fight every day to create vivid and relevant learning experiences.

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Customer-specific courses

Unable to find the course you need? Even though we have a broad course portfolio you may be looking for a course on a subject we do not yet cover. Please do not hesitate to get in touch! We customize courses for many of our customers.


Sales contact - Trainor