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Our educations

Trainor offers instructor-led training and eLearning for construction work environment coordinators.

In all courses, we cover the Work Environment Act, the responsibilities of the parties involved, regulations, different tasks, risk assessments, and other practical knowledge you need to be ready for the role of builder, BAS-P, or BAS-U.

We can also tailor the training and conduct it on-site at your company to meet your specific needs.

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Certification BAS-P and BAS-U

It is a competitive advantage to be a certified construction work environment coordinator. It is proof of your competence, and some clients require a third-party issued certificate.

Trainor offers a certification exam which, upon passing, allows you to apply for certification through RISE.

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Our courses

Bas P Bas U 2dag grund

Construction work environment coordinator Bas-P and Bas-U - Two days

A comprehensive introductory course that equips you with the knowledge to identify and manage risks in a construction project. The course provides insights into the responsibilities associated with the role, how to develop a work environment plan, and tools to apply risk analyses in the workplace.

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Bas P Bas U 1dag

Construction Work Environment Coordinator Bas-P/Bas-U

According to the Swedish Work Enviroment Authority a developer is always responsible to appoint a Construction Work Environment Coordinator to plan the building and facility construction work (Bas-P) as well as carrying out the work (Bas-U).

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Bas P Bas U e Learning

Bas-P och Bas-U

Are you involved in construction projects? This online course provides you with practical knowledge on how to take on the role of Responsible Construction Work Environment Coordinator. The content is equivalent to our instructor-led one-day course for Bas-P /Bas-U and includes a certificate documenting your competence according to the latest regulations.

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What do the different roles of builder, BAS-P, and BAS-U entail?

The builder is the person or company that commissions construction or engineering work. The builder has overall responsibility for preventing ill health and accidents during the construction phase and for ensuring a good working environment at a future workplace. The new regulations require you as a builder to be involved and active in health and safety issues throughout the entire construction project. The builder appoints BAS-P and BAS-U but is not relieved of responsibility for the tasks that BAS-P and BAS-U have, a so-called Backup responsibility.

BAS-P, where the P stands for planning and design, is appointed by the builder or contractor. BAS-P can be a physical or legal person. There can only be one BAS-P. BAS-P must prepare a work environment plan for the entire construction project before the construction site is established. Additionally, BAS-P must ensure that the designers work to prevent occupational health and safety risks and report back to the builder in the event of serious risks.

BAS-U, where the U stands for execution, must follow and update the work environment plan written by BAS-P. The construction work environment coordinator must also ensure that colleagues consider the shared environment, for example, when choosing work methods. The coordinator can request risk assessments with action descriptions as a basis for adapting the work environment plan.

BAS-U must also coordinate the control of other contractors and ensure that they comply with occupational health and safety regulations and the work environment plan. If any of the construction work environment coordinators' tasks are not completed, the builder risks facing sanction fees.

Read more at the Swedish Work Environment Authority:

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When are BAS-P and BAS-U needed?

Even though BAS-P and BAS-U are two different roles with distinct tasks, they essentially require the same knowledge and adherence to the same work regulations. But what does it mean to be a construction work environment coordinator, and what knowledge do you need?

The simplest way to describe it is to say that it involves all the tasks required to construct, maintain, and demolish a building or facility.

Going into more detail, it is necessary when a work environment plan needs to be established, and therefore a construction work environment coordinator or BAS-P and BAS-U must be appointed. This applies when the work is classified under the Swedish Work Environment Authority's regulation AFS 1999:3.

It is always the employer's responsibility to ensure that tasks requiring a construction work environment coordinator have a BAS-P and a BAS-U. The builder is the one who appoints the coordinators.

When are BAS-P and BAS-U needed?

Even though BAS-P and BAS-U are two different roles with distinct tasks, they essentially require the same knowledge and adherence to the same work regulations. But what does it mean to be a construction work environment coordinator, and what knowledge do you need?

The simplest way to describe it is to say that it involves all the tasks required to construct, maintain, and demolish a building or facility.

Going into more detail, it is necessary when a work environment plan needs to be established, and therefore a construction work environment coordinator or BAS-P and BAS-U must be appointed. This applies when the work is classified under the Swedish Work Environment Authority's regulation AFS 1999:3.

It is always the employer's responsibility to ensure that tasks requiring a construction work environment coordinator have a BAS-P and a BAS-U. The builder is the one who appoints the coordinators.

Below are some examples of tasks that require a construction work environment coordinator.

Construction worker

Below are some examples of tasks that require a construction work environment coordinator.

  • Civil engineering works

  • Excavation

  • Groundworks

  • Construction works

  • Renovation
  • Repair and maintenance
  • Dismantling and demolition
  • Decontamination

Want to know more?

Contact us if you would like to know any additional information.