Some relevant courses for your industry

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ATEX - Grund

I den här kursen förklarar vi innebörden av reglerna om ”Utrustningar för explosionsfarlig miljö”, enligt utrustningsdirektivet 2014/34/EU, hur zonklassning kan ske och vad ett Explosionsskyddsdokument ska innehålla. Vi går igenom användardirektivet 1999/92/EG som vänder sig till verksamhetsutövare och arbetsgivare.

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Eälsäkerhet vid arbete industri

Elsäkerhet vid arbete - Industri, låg- och högspänning

Elsäkerhet vid arbete bygger på SS-EN 50110-1 Skötsel av elektriska anläggningar och handboken Arbete vid risk för elektrisk fara som är publicerad av Arbetsmiljöverket och Elsäkerhetsverket. Kursen är anpassad efter industrins behov och situationer, kursen ger dig kunskaper i skötsel av elektriska anläggningar (Europastandarden SS-EN 50110-1). Kursen behandlar både låg- och högspänningsanläggningar.

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ESA Industry and Installation

The electrical safety instructions, ESA Industri & Installation, are an example of instructions that are a different practice than Swedish standards. ESA Industri & Installation is based on the rules in SS-EN 50110-1. The course includes rules for work in industrial electrical installations as well as electrical installations in homes and the like.

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Anders Sivén

Sales Representative


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Auktoriserad elinstallator

Electricity for mechanics

With increased practical competence in electricity among the company's maintenance personnel, unnecessary stops in production can be shortened. In our training Electricity for mechanics, you learn how to safely troubleshoot and replace motors, contactors, frequency converters, sensors and the like.

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Pannoperatör i praktiken

Pannoperatör i praktiken

Vår utbildning Pannoperatör i praktiken är en komplett utbildning som både ger dig kunskap för att optimera driften av panna och säkerställer din kompetens enligt kunskapskraven i AFS 2017:3. Vi går bland annat igenom drift, energi och värmelära, skydd och säkerhet och olika typer av pannanläggningar.

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Arc hazards - An introduction

Electrical hazards are patient and always strike when there is an opportunity, often it is you who initiates the unwanted event. This course goes through what arcs are, how arc hazards arise, event energy and risk reduction measures.

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ESA 19 Fackkunnig rep

ESA 19 Skilled - Repetition

ESA skilled is a part of ESA 19 wich is the electrical industry’s collective safety regulation for the prevention of damage caused by electricity. A part of the regulation contains requirements for training. ESA 19 regulates, among other things, the cooperation between line/utilities owners and contractors and contributes to having a common standard for the work at different electrical installations can be facilitated.

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PLC Basic

The course provides basic knowledge of how a PLC system is structured and how it is used in industrial automation. The course contains laboratory work and practical exercises. After the course, you have gained basic knowledge of how a PLC system is programmed and put into operation. You will also gain basic knowledge about troubleshooting, monitoring and simulation of PLC programs.

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Open the course catalog to see everything we offer your industry. From Limited Authorization B to basic electrical safety courses.

Trainor also offers courses in electric power, energy technology and work environment.

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Over the years, Trainor has built up and developed the services required to become the best in safety. Read more about how we create world-class web courses, how we engage you in our teacher-led training or how you get a full overview of your employees' training needs in our competence overview.

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