Some relevant courses for your industry

Ebr kabelforlaggning

EBR Cable routing in ground

Those who participate in the work with cable routing must have appropriate training in accordance with the publication EBR Requirements for cable routing. In the training, our certified trainers go through everything from the danger of electricity and relevant legislation to cable routing according to the publication KJ 41:15

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Limited authorization B

As a repairer or installer of various equipment, you need the theoretical and practical competence for Limited Authorization B. To be able to apply for Limited Authorization B, a training requirement and a requirement of two years of practical experience are required.

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Elsäkerhet på bygg- och anläggningsplatser

Det finns många faror på Bygg- och anläggningsplatser. Vet du vilka de elektriska farorna är? Den här kursen ger dig de nödvändiga kunskaperna om elsäkerhet så att du kan arbeta säkert och undvika olyckor.

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Charlotte Westman

Charlotte Westman

Sales Representative


Do you want to learn more about our various courses for the power industry or are you interested in customized corporate training?

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Do you want your staff to assign themselves the training they need in our webshop? Or automatically sync our courses with your HR system? Whatever your needs, we have a solution that fits!

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ESA Instructed person

The course Instructed Person describe the concept of Instructed Person and the related electrical safety instructions in Sweden. The objective is to ensure electrical safety and the use of good practice electrical work procedures. The electrical safety provisions also provide for a common language use and thereby help to prevent fatal mistakes.

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Construction Work Environment Coordinator Bas-P/Bas-U

According to the Swedish Work Enviroment Authority a developer is always responsible to appoint a Construction Work Environment Coordinator to plan the building and facility construction work (Bas-P) as well as carrying out the work (Bas-U).

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Byggarbetsmiljosamordnare bas p och bas u fordjupning

Construction work environment coordinator Bas-P and Bas-U - Two days

Kursen ger dig kunskap för att kunna agera som BAS-P och BAS-U. Du får lära dig mer om roller, arbetsmiljöarbete, de olika föreskrifter (AFS) som berör din roll. Tvådagarskursen har ett utökat fokus på arbetsmiljöplaner och riskanalyser och passar dig som inte tidigare läst BAS P/BAS U.

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Arc hazards - An introduction

Electrical hazards are patient and always strike when there is an opportunity, often it is you who initiates the unwanted event. This course goes through what arcs are, how arc hazards arise, event energy and risk reduction measures.

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Elsäkerhet vid arbete

Elsäkerhet vid arbete - Installation

Jobbar du med eller kring elinstallationer? I den här webbkursen lär du dig mer om bland annat arbetsmetoder, skyddsutrustning och första hjälpen vid elolyckor. Kursen är uppdaterad enligt SS-EN 50110-1, utgåva 4:2024.

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Open the course catalog to see everything we offer your industry. From ESA to basic electrical safety courses.

Trainor also offers courses in electric power, energy technology and work environment.


We liked the layout of the Boiler Operator training. Preparatory web course, 1.5 days of training and test writing in the afternoon on day 2. This reduces travel and time away from the business.

Joanna Gustafsson Sågtjänst I Syd AB

More of our services

Over the years, Trainor has built up and developed the services required to become the best in safety. Read more about how we create world-class web courses, how we engage you in our teacher-led training or how you get a full overview of your employees' training needs in our competence overview.

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