Trainor offers a wide range of work environment courses for all professional categories and companies. Work environment concerns everyone in the workforce and is regulated by the Work Environment Act, regulations, and guidelines. You can take a work environment course at Trainor either onsite, live, or as an e-learning course. We even have a series of podcast courses that you can listen to at your convenience.
The Work Environment Act applies to everyone working in Sweden, from summer workers to those with part-time or full-time positions. The purpose of a good work environment is to prevent accidents and mitigate ill health. At each workplace, the employer is responsible for the work environment.
Work environment is a broad concept that includes not only the physical work environment and safety at a workplace but also encompasses all aspects and elements that in any way influence you and your work.
What actually creates healthy and wholesome workplaces? Through our training, you will learn how workload, bullying, and working hours affect performance, as well as how you are impacted by noise, ergonomics, and heavy lifting.
A good work environment and effective work environment management lead to increased well-being, creativity, and productivity. Are you looking for training in Construction Work Environment Coordination, BAS-P & BAS-U? Click here!
Effective work environment management is crucial for promoting good health and preventing causes of ill health at work. Our work environment program provides those who work with work environment issues or have work environment responsibilities at their workplace with a comprehensive foundation for professional work in this field.
Du får en övergripande bild om hur regelverken kring arbetsmiljö är uppbyggda och en genomgång av de viktigaste delarna.
Efter kursen har du kunskap om hur det systematiska arbetsmiljöarbetet tillämpas i praktiken och förstår dess effekter.
This is Trainor's series of e-learning courses about your work environment. The courses all offer the option to either study via, where you will find texts, images, and interviews with our work environment expert, concluding with a knowledge test, or listen to the entire course on our podcast 'Go Work Environment' (available wherever podcasts are found) while walking, driving, or relaxing in a hammock.
Listen to the course for free on the podcast player you use.
Bra internrevisioner kan förebygga ohälsa på arbetsplatsen, minska risken för onödiga arbetsmiljöbelastningar eller rädda liv.
Ett fungerande arbete med den organisatoriska och sociala arbetsmiljön är en framgångsfaktor för effektiva och hälsosamma arbetsplatser.
This is Trainor's series of e-learning courses about your work environment. The courses all offer the option to either study via, where you will find texts, images, and interviews with our work environment expert, concluding with a knowledge test, or listen to the entire course on our podcast 'Go Work Environment' (available wherever podcasts are found) while walking, driving, or relaxing in a hammock.
Listen to the course for free on the podcast player you use.
This series is an interview-based training program. We interview Janke Vikholm and Martin Freed, who explain each topic in an educational manner, drawing from their own experiences and extensive expertise.
Janke är och har varit konsult, chef, talare, föreläsare, debattör och tagit fram utbildningar för såväl inom högskola som näringsliv.
Martin är utbildare med spetskompetens inom området arbetsmiljö, hållbarhet och ledningssystem, han är en uppskattad pedagog och inspiratör.
Contact us if you would like to know whether this course is suitable for you or your company
as well as for all additional information.